Rethinking School in 5 Steps

Today is the first day of school for my kids.  They guys are now a junior in high school and an eighth grader, going off with a bit more enthusiasm than I expected, to be honest. Education is under fire from all fronts these days, in part because we all know, in our...

Why You Should Care About Attention

My kids have ADHD. I have ADHD. Having a background in developmental biology, I’ve been fascinated to learn how this whole attention thing works, and how you can manipulate attention in yourself and others. I think the reasons are obvious- if your attention is...

Some Thoughts on Community

Part of being involved in Podcamps and podcasting in general, is about forming communities. For my presentation this year at Podcasters Across Borders, I’ll be talking about why community matters. In much of my life, it is the sole motivator for what I do....