Presentations & Handouts

Hi There!  If you’re on this page, it’s likely that we’ve met or I’ve spoken to your group and you’re looking for the handouts and/or slides from the presentations.  In addition to the links below, don’t forget to check out my Delicious page- a social bookmarking site where I save articles I find interesting and informative as well.

The Delaware Association of NonProfit Agencies Course material can be viewed on its own page by clicking here.

MANA Region 2 Conference:

Handouts and references:  Social Media in Healthcare- HIPAA and Beyond

Slides: (You can also see them on Slideshare by clicking here

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary

Social Media For Scientists and Organizations pdf
Social media for Scientists and Organizations
Producing Great Audio and Video Content for the Web

Delaware Economic Development Office- Social Media for eCommerce

Social Media for eCommerce- Information, Tools and More


DEDO February SM 101

Older Presentation Handouts:

Social Media 101 (2009) This handout was prepared for a presentation for AGS University, for businesses looking to better understand social media and where it might fit  into their marketing mix.