by Whitney | Mar 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
I read an article recently where Rick Santorum decried having pre-natal testing being provided for free under the new health care law. He contends that it just ends up in more abortions and lessening health care costs by “culling the ranks of the disabled in...
by Whitney | Jan 25, 2012 | community, education, social media
*Quick note- I accidentally published this piece before it was edited- a quirk from using the iPad to compose in the WordPress app and save in draft format, which I messed up. Sorry for any inconvenience. Sometimes, we know we’re going to encounter a problem...
by Whitney | May 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
I’ve been thinking about risk, and how we make the decision about the cost/benefit of our actions. Having gone to law school, I think and act like a lawyer in much of my life, and that can drive some people crazy. You think you’re asking a simple...
by Whitney | Jun 26, 2009 | Uncategorized
I read a blog post by Andy Kessler today, who has written a book called The End of Medicine, which I have admittedly not read as of yet. The post alleges that the medical industry has created a complete boondoggle of finances, and if we were to employ electronic...