by Whitney | Feb 20, 2014 | explanations
Fox News posted an article recently that said many more people are using online ratings in order to choose a doctor. Apparently 59% now say these ratings are either somewhat important or important when choosing a new doctor. Similarly, The Guardian recently had an...
by Whitney | Jun 5, 2009 | Uncategorized
I went with my husband to the doctor today- and I was surprised that this office had a big flat screen tv turned up rather loudly. The content certainly interfered with hearing anything going on with other patients in the office, but it also was loud enough to make...
by Whitney | Jan 17, 2008 | Uncategorized
There’s been a lot of interesting discussions happening on the web lately, from how to explain this “new media stuff” to wondering what comes next, to predictions of what will work and what won’t. Seth Godin has a great post talking about...