Seeing Unions Through The Eyes of Teachers

This past weekend at Educon 2.6, Kevin Jarrett and I hosted a session entitled “How Unions Can help Foster Education Reform”.  This was prompted by a question I have had for a long time, which is whether the public view of unions aligns teachers more with...

Rethinking School

I attended my favorite conference, Educon, this past weekend.  There was an interesting set of sessions talking about design thinking in schools, and how we could re-imagine the way schools and classrooms are designed, so that they would promote the skills we say we...


At Educon this past weekend, I had many amazing conversations with educators, people interested in education reform, wild-eyed evangelists and more.  But one of the most telling moments was when Gary Stager asked, “When did idealism become a negative adjective? ...

Rethinking (and executing) on Education

Educon 2.0 is an education unconference being held in Philadelphia this weekend, at the Science Leadership Academy (SLA). SLA is a progressive, public, magnet school for highschool students, and everything we think about high school has been re- engineered. Classes...