by Whitney | May 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
This is a Bottom-Up Problem as much as a Top Down problem. It’s interesting to blame Wall Street and the exotic derivatives for the economic issues we face, but I see the problem stemming as much from something much more bottom up and basic- fuel costs and high...
by Whitney | Sep 20, 2008 | Uncategorized
My friend, John Havens and the fantastic Shel Holtz, have written a book on Tactical Transparency, due out in November. I’m eager to read the book, not only because it’s by two people I know and respect, but also because it’s a subject that I hear...
by Whitney | Jul 24, 2008 | Uncategorized
This is a follow up to my recent post on the Social Contract. Humans have a basic need for social connection. The experiments done by Harlow and others in the 50’s show that primates need touch and nurturing to do well. In fact, many of the cases of failure to...