by Whitney | Jan 3, 2013 | business, community, education, explanations, learning
Every year, folks use January as a time to reframe and recommit themselves to be better than before. I would argue that every day is equally relevant as a marker to try to do better than before, but perhaps a longer time scale, of a week or month is simply better to...
by Whitney | Jan 25, 2012 | community, education, social media
*Quick note- I accidentally published this piece before it was edited- a quirk from using the iPad to compose in the WordPress app and save in draft format, which I messed up. Sorry for any inconvenience. Sometimes, we know we’re going to encounter a problem...
by Whitney | Jan 6, 2011 | business, community, economics, education, social media
I’ve been mulling over the following problem for a while now, and while this idea may still be half-baked, I thought I’d toss it out for commentary and see what you think. Over on Edutopia, Jenifer Fox and I are managing a group on Personalized Learning...
by Whitney | Jan 2, 2011 | Uncategorized
My friend Chris Brogan, is fond of choosing three words to provide a focus for the new year. I tend to see these words as themes rather than specific goals, and I’ve spent the last few days trying to narrow down the words I would choose for 2011. Words...
by Whitney | May 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
My project, The LD Podcast, is all about learning, and how we can help kids learn better and more effectively. This has meant I’ve done a lot of reading and research on subjects like attention and motivation- because if you can’t capture a kid’s attention, or help...