by Whitney | Mar 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
A couple of times a day, I spend a few minutes catching up on the news. Today, two articles appeared that may seem totally unrelated, but bring up larger questions. The first is one from Salon.Com, discussing Journalistic Irony- In a nutshell, it discusses how the...
by Whitney | Jun 26, 2009 | Uncategorized
On a recent trip to Europe, I was amazed that the Daily Show with Jon Stewart is broadcast in an “international version” along with a disclaimer that it’s “satirical news”. While the satire part seems self-evident, the recent change in...
by Whitney | May 25, 2009 | Uncategorized
Chris Brogan had an interesting post today on the Next Media Company, talking about what the future in media might look like, or how you might design one from scratch, assuming unlimited funds and what problems currently exist, causing economic problems for media...