I’m running a multi-player-game this week on Umoo- a stock-related finance game. I’d love it if you’d help me help them kick the tires for fun- they’re even giving prizes- books or amazon cash for books to the top three finishers!
Umoo has a great interface where you can play in a virtual stock market – using the real stock market’s data. It’s like that stock game they run in economics class- only online, will a cool interface, and a chance for prizes, even when you play just for fun. There is a play for cash component, but being conservative financially, I certainly prefer the “for fun” category.
I know that with the roller coaster aspect of the current stock market, I’m nervous about where to invest my money for the long term. The mattress isn’t practical, and putting everything in diversified mutual funds sounds okay, but those guys aren’t picking stocks any better than I can. So Umoo seems like a fun way to learn about things like shorting stocks- something I have always been a bit leery about, and practice, using real stock market data, before you go and make that investment yourself will real live dollars.
The great folks at Umoo are doing this to help introduce people to their site, and are offering some cool prizes- either books out of my Amazon store- which I put up to collect all the titles I talk about here on the blog or on the LD Podcast mostly for convenience sake. (I think I made a whopping $10 this year, so this is no great shakes or self-interested plan) They’ll also grant the prizes as Amazon gift certificates, if you prefer.
The game starts tommorrow, and runs until the end of the week. So we really need you to register today, here:
Go to FUN and join ‘LD Podcast Community Game’
password: LPD1 (UPDATE to PASSWORD- It’s LDP1- sorry about that….)
First prize: select three books on Amazon or $100 @ amazon — Your choice!
I think this is a great chance to help some great people kick the tires on their website, to learn a bit more about economics in the process, and hopefully, see whether or not the education version can be useful- I think it’s fun, and we get prizes as well, so let’s play!
Thanks for giving this a shot- I appreciate it!