Tide CleanStart truck in Waterloo Iowa helping with the flood
Originally uploaded by devries_publicrelations
I was looking around the web for resources to try to redesign my laundry room, and I found the Tide “Loads of Hope” site. Tide has a big truck and goes around the Country, to areas in need, (usually after a disaster) and helps folks by doing their laundry for free. This seems like a small thing, but when people are dealing with a disaster, simple things like clean clothes can make them feel cared for, and takes that one additional time-consuming task off their plate.
I think this is a brilliant brand idea. Tide is helping where it can help best, and I bet everyone using the services will always remember that Tide was there when they needed them. Shoot, I think this is great, and it makes a positive impression on me, who just dropped by on the web.
Tide is offering vintage Tide shirts for purchase to help raise a bit of money to help support this and other programs for people in need. While I don’t need a Tide T, I wish they had another easy way to donate to the cause. Tide is providing a fundamental service right where it’s needed most. It’s a good neighbor thing, and it has an impact on my “emotional after-taste” of Tide’s brand, more than anything else I’ve run across.
And for me, it’s one more reason to select Tide over the competitor when I’m at the grocery.