December is crazier than usual for me. In this rapid movement from chore to responsibility to obligation each day, I worry that I’m forgetting the most important thing- to say Thank You to everyone who has made an impact or difference in my life this year. (This post may be a little more self-serving than most, so feel free to skip this one, but it was important to me to write it.)
Saying thank you to people in our lives is important to them and it’s important to you as well. Making the time and effort to recognize hard work, friendship, and going beyond the call- can easily get overlooked in the list of things we “need” to do while checking off our year-end lists. Yet these small recognitions and public acknowledgements mean the world to people, and helps encourage us all to do a little more.
Here’s a few public Thank You’s to people who’ve made a huge difference in my life this year:
1. Jenifer Fox, Marjorie McAneny, Tracey Gallagher, and Robin Lloyd- for all the work on The Differentiated Instruction Book of Lists. We finally got the book out there, and my co-author Jenifer was amazing to work with. The team at Jossey Bass, starting with our editor, Margie, her assistant, Tracey, and Robin who helped work out all the details- thank you from the bottom of my heart.
2. Chris Penn, Michelle Wolverton, CC Chapman, Julien Smith, Ron Ploof, Tamsen McMahon, and Amber Naslund- What a great group of friends! It’s been a big year for everyone, and I think it’s at least in part for the support and push we give each other from time to time. Thank you so much- you mean the world to me.
3. The Social Media Community in Delaware and Philadelphia- It’s a big group, but Ken Grant, Nancy & Don Dilbert, Jennie Brand, Maya and Rodney, Laurie and Candace, Gordon and Jessica, Nancy Solero, Felicia and Gov. Markell; Lee Mickles; Gloria Bell, Cecily Kellog, Christine aka Purple Car, Lynette, Paul Muller, Bill Rowland, Steve Lubetkin, Alan Chaess, and so many more- you really make things happen and I couldn’t be more humbled to be associated with such superstars so close to home.
4. Chris Brogan, Rob Hatch and the Human Business Works team- I love working with you. It’s really become a family over time, and I’m glad I can make small contributions to help things come together when needed. There’s nothing better than when you can work with people you truly care about, and I’m lucky to have that with you guys.
5. Steve and Diane Brogan- You are two fantastic people, and I’m glad we got to spend time together especially during your visit here and getting to meet victoria Wyeth. That will always be a special memory.
6. My fantastic husband and two boys- It’s been a really crazy year, between the book, lots of travel all over the country for all of us, and despite what could have been a very stressful time, it ranks up there with on of the best years ever. I love so very much.
7. Cathy MacDougall, my trainer, for kicking my butt and showing me what hard work is really about, and never letting me quit. The same goes for Elizabeth Stinson, Christina Gorman, Tish Baldwin, Anne Bolsby, Karen Buchannan, Janice Reynolds, Tamara Fellows, Kelly Figueroa, Melody Ruth, Lenna Jannick- you girls are the best friends a girl could ever have, and your support and butt-kicking have been so important to me-you’ve been there when I needed someone to talk to or felt insecure, and I treasure you all.
8. To my Mom and my Dad- while you both live in very separate worlds, you are both caring people and great parents- each in your own way- to me. Thanks, and I love you both.
9. All those folks who help out by being my experts- We all need people in our lives to look up to, and to be our mentors. I have more than I can count, so I’ll give a more blanket thanks to each of you for teaching me so much and helping me better understand how this crazy world works on all different levels. Expertise comes in all sizes and shapes, and we all need to rely on others to make things happen for us. Thank you.
10. To wrap it up- Thanks to everyone who comes by and reads this blog. A blog is sort of like running your own magazine. There’s a bit of ego involved, mixed with a legitimate desire to help others and spread the word about great ideas, projects, events and opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others. I’m always amazed and humbled by the number of people who swing by the blog, and I want to make sure to thank each of you, even in this blanket way, for subscribing, for caring, and for taking the time to read my words. That’s something to be truly grateful for, every day of the year.