Those Big Questions….

Becoming a parent is like joining a club. We become responsible for another human being in a way that’s different from most other relationships- and for moms, these kids really are part of us- science even shows that part of their DNA ends up in our bodies...


It’s Tuesday, December 27th 2016, and I just found out Carrie Fisher, who we all know and love as Princess Leia, passed away. This ends a year where many famous people have passed away that played a role in the pop culture that makes up my childhood and young...

Nine Things My Dog has in Common with Donald Trump

My husband and I took the dog for a walk this afternoon, and we started thinking about how much our furry kid had in common with The Donald. Both require a handler (or two.) Darwin is 18 months old – a Bernedoodle- and weighs north of 85 pounds, so controlling...

Lessons Of The Empty Nest

Both of my kids are off at college for the first time.  It means there’s a lot more quiet, and a lot less laundry at home. That sounds great, but it’s an adjustment to a different sort of lifestyle, and I know it’s going to take a bit of time to find...