by Whitney | Feb 17, 2011 | community, new media, social media, Uncategorized
I’ve been on Twitter since October 24, 2006. My “twitter user number” is 10,233, meaning I’m the 10,233rd person to sign up for Twitter. Chris Brogan got me to join (his twitter number is 10,202) when he emailed a bunch of us about it a little...
by Whitney | Feb 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
I listened to the most recent Media Hacks episode of Mitch Joel’s excellent Six Pixels of Separation podcast, where the guys were discussing everything from the Please Rob Me website, geo-location apps like Gowalla and Four Square, and even Blippy, my favorite...
by Whitney | Feb 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
When you put up a website,it’s easy to take for granted that you are creating a platform that lives without traditional boundaries. Instead of being limited to contacting people in your local community or neighborhood, you can reach people all across the globe. ...
by Whitney | Nov 18, 2007 | Uncategorized
We toss around the word friendship on the internet all the time. Are the people we talk about our friends, or our acquaintences? Are they people we would be close friends with if we lived in more geographically similar locations, or are they the...