by Whitney | Mar 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
Last week, the Archer Group in Wilmington held a Trust Summit at duPont’s Theater N, featuring presentations by Mitch Joel, Julien Smith and Chris Brogan, some of my favorite people ever. One of the stories Mitch told keeps coming to mind again and again. It...
by Whitney | Feb 5, 2010 | Uncategorized
I have been a fan of Seth Godin’s for a long time. I read his blogs, buy his books, and frequently recommend them to friends. (In fact, we celebrated my birthday this year at Max Brenner’s restaurant, in part due to reading about Max in Seth’s...
by Whitney | Jan 17, 2010 | Uncategorized
I’ve spent most of my free moments over the weekend reading and contemplating Seth Godin’s new book, Linchpin. I’m about half way through, and it’s becoming clear that one of Seth’s main themes is that the real way to get ahead is to make...
by Whitney | Jan 15, 2010 | books, business, community, economics, education
I was one of the lucky early few that signed up by making a donation to the Acumen Fund, to get an advanced copy of Linchpin by Seth Godin. Seth has asked people to read it, think about it and give a thoughtful review. I couldn’t wait to tell you about it...