by Whitney | Feb 22, 2011 | business, community, happiness
A few years ago, the concept of personal branding became all the rage. In the age of social media, people no longer build their reputations -solely- based on location and between real friends and business associates, but can have a reputation that exists beyond your...
by Whitney | Oct 24, 2008 | election, politics
I was checking ou the news on the election this morning, and there’s a “rush transcript” of the interview Sarah Palin did with Sean Hannity. In it, they talk about whether or not Barak Obama should “disavow” ACORN and its voter...
by Whitney | Sep 23, 2008 | Uncategorized
There’s an interesting article over at Time magazine about Barak Obama’s 50 state strategy to win the election. In a nutshell, it says that by campaigning in all 50 states Obama has made the case that everyone and every vote counts. But as the election...