In case you are not already aware, besides this blog, I post over at Grasshopper New Media Parents as well as my LD Podcast blog. Megin tagged us all with the following meme for the weekend, so here it goes: Songs in the Key of Life, to quote the Stevie Wonder song of the same name. Give it a shot and link back here, or to GNM Parents. We’d love to hear your songs!
How to Play:
1. Open your library (iTunes,iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question below, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the nextbutton
Here are mine:
Opening Credits:
Think for Yourself- The Beatles
First Day At School:
Absolute Beginners – The Jam
Falling In Love:
Bouncing Around the Room- Amazing Blue (an acapellla group)
(Ok, this is weirdly appropriate so far, and I have been bursting out laughing and amazed)
Breaking Up:
Anything Goes -from the soundtrack of De-Lovely
I Will- The Beatles
Mental Breakdown:
Ok- I got a chapter of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince about trusting Prof. Slughorn from Chapter 17. Hmmmm.
Dancing Cheek to Cheek- Eva Cassidy
Getting Back Together:
North Dakota- Lyle Lovett (If you love me say you love me, if you love me, take my hand…)
Wedding Scene:
Let’s Have a Baby- The Candy Butchers (This is funny, especially since my husband is an OB-GYN)
Final Battle:
Volcano- Jimmy Buffett
Death Scene:
The Hard Way- Mary Chapin-Carpenter
Funeral Song:
River of Dreams- Billy Joel
End Credits:
Don’t get around much anymore- Harry Connick Jr. From When Harry Met Sally soundtrack- (Mr. Saturday Night….)
I want a little sugar in my bowl-Nina Simone with Sam Ellis
And for Megin- Favorite exercise song:
I think it’s a three way tie. Train in Vain by the Clash. Life is a Highway by Rascal Flats. Some Kind of Wonderful- I have one from a collection of 70’s songs that I love.
What are yours?
Happy Weekend!
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