by Whitney | Nov 14, 2007 | blogtag
This morning, I woke up to find I was tagged by my good friend, CC Chapman, in the latest blog tag meme. As I can easily be classified a bibliophile, this one’s right up my alley. The Protocol: Answer 5 questions. Tag 5 booklovers. The Questions: 1) How many...
by Whitney | Mar 2, 2007 | blogtag
I spent last weekend in Toronto at PodCamp, and presented a session with Mark Blevis and Chris Brogan about Return on Influence. What Mark and I call the real ROI (rather than return on investment) of new media. This session was about how the power of new media is...
by Whitney | Jan 19, 2007 | blogtag
In case you are not already aware, besides this blog, I post over at Grasshopper New Media Parents as well as my LD Podcast blog. Megin tagged us all with the following meme for the weekend, so here it goes: Songs in the Key of Life, to quote the Stevie Wonder song...