This morning, I woke up to find I was tagged by my good friend, CC Chapman, in the latest blog tag meme. As I can easily be classified a bibliophile, this one’s right up my alley.
The Protocol: Answer 5 questions. Tag 5 booklovers.
The Questions:
1) How many books do you own?
2) What was the last book you read?
3) What was the last book you purchased?
4) What five books are most meaningful to you?
5) What is your most obscure favorite book? Or, favorite most obscure book?
So here are the answers:
1)How many books do you own? Research shows kids with over 100 books in their home tend to do better in school that those with fewer. If this was the only determining factor of intelligence, my kids would be unequivocal Einsteins. There are books in just about every room in our house. The net number has got to be in the thousands, easily.
2) What was the last book you read? Well, I have a couple going at the moment. The Bill of Wrongs, by Molly Ivins, The Intellectual Devotional, and No Mind Left Behind- Understanding and fostering executive control- the eight essential brain skills every child needs to thrive, by Adam Cox, PhD.
3) What was the last book you purchased? New- The Self-Disciplined Child- Dr. Robert Brooks and Dr. Sam Goldstein. Used- The Literary History of the United States.
4) What five books are most meaningful to you? The books that have made the biggest difference in the past few years have included Made to Stick; Now, Discover You Strengths by Marcus Buckingham, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, Mind Hacks by Tom Stafford; and Why We Buy by Paco Underhill. For my favorite literary books, I always go back to Illusions by Richard Bach, most of Jane Austen’s books, I loved the Great Brain series of books by John Fitzgerald as a kid, and have loved discovering them again with my kids, Last Chance to See, about animals on the brink of extinction by Douglas Adams, and all of the books by Douglas Adams. Well, and the Harry Potter books.
5) What is your most obscure favorite book? Or, favorite most obscure book? Oooh, this is also hard. I love the Story of Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl, and I’ll confess, I kinda like Public Assembly Facility Law, by Turner Madden et. al. because I helped write it and am second author. Doesn’t get a whole lot more obscure than that.
In return, I tag: Chris Brogan, Vivian Vasquez, Megin Hatch, Dave LaMorte, and Bill Rowland. I have to also add Mark Blevis and Andrea Ross from Just One More Book podcast. The hardest part of the meme is not tagging everyone I know.