It’s Tuesday, December 27th 2016, and I just found out Carrie Fisher, who we all know and love as Princess Leia, passed away. This ends a year where many famous people have passed away that played a role in the pop culture that makes up my childhood and young...

Nine Things My Dog has in Common with Donald Trump

My husband and I took the dog for a walk this afternoon, and we started thinking about how much our furry kid had in common with The Donald. Both require a handler (or two.) Darwin is 18 months old – a Bernedoodle- and weighs north of 85 pounds, so controlling...

Lessons Of The Empty Nest

Both of my kids are off at college for the first time.  It means there’s a lot more quiet, and a lot less laundry at home. That sounds great, but it’s an adjustment to a different sort of lifestyle, and I know it’s going to take a bit of time to find...

The Problem With Politics in 2016

When you turn on the TV, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum, it’s easy to find examples of people behaving badly. I have been mystified for a long time about the dramatic change in the tone, especially on the national level, where the emphasis...

Thank You

I’ve spent the past 18 months of my life running for office.  In what now seems like backwards fashion, I started by running for the PA Statehouse with only one week’s notice before the filing deadline in March, 2014, to winning a race for Kennett Township...