by Whitney | Apr 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
After I wrote yesterday’s post on automation becoming a big or bigger problem for the middle class than it has been for blue collar jobs, an article about Secretaries and Administrative Assistants appeared in the New York Times, discussing the loss of over 2...
by Whitney | Oct 16, 2009 | Uncategorized
A friend forwarded me this link to a new Unconference, PR Camp , taking place in New York on Friday, November 20, a day after the Web 2.0 Expo concludes in NYC. Given that I will be in New York, since the Podcamp Foundation is helping to organize the Open...
by Whitney | Oct 8, 2009 | Uncategorized
When it comes to the new FTC regulations regarding disclosure in advertising, the best way to learn what to do is to read the examples given in the Guidelines themselves, or to see examples of how disclosure is done well, so you can model your disclosure accordingly....
by Whitney | Oct 15, 2008 | business, community, new media, podcamp, politics, social media
For those of you who may be new here, I’ve been “embedded” in social media now for almost three years. Not as long as some, longer than others. I never saw myself as doing anything radical, or against the tide. I always saw new media as a way to...
by Whitney | Sep 9, 2008 | Uncategorized
Chris Brogan had a very interesting post on Trust Agents this morning. It got me thinking about how people become trustworthy in the internet age, when relationships may be many, but have weaker bonds than say, the friendships you make in your off-line life, through...