by Whitney | Oct 16, 2013 | Uncategorized
I’ve long thought the money in politics is obscene. When I heard that Congresspeople spend 20 to 30 hours a week trying to raise money for their next campaign, is it any wonder why they never get much done in DC? (The Boston Globe did an article here saying...
by Whitney | May 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
There’s been a big social media dust up this week, after the CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch made comments about limiting the sizes he sells so only the beautiful people shop there. Turns out, according to Forbes, Abercrombie is already floundering against...
by Whitney | Jul 12, 2010 | business, economics, Uncategorized
I’m starting to think how we pay people for work done matters. Cash feels like we’re handing something tangible to another person. It’s real. It’s limited in our pockets and wallets, even if we can go to an ATM and replenish our supply. ...
by Whitney | Jun 27, 2009 | business, economics, education, finance
I was with a group of friends recently and we were discussing conferences. One person said “Was it worth it? Would you have been annoyed if you had spent that much of your own money to attend?” And it struck me right there and then- we treat the money...
by Whitney | Dec 14, 2008 | business, community, economics, new media, recommendations
My friend, Chris Brogan, has gotten some missiles lobbed his way because of a sponsored post he did recently over at his Dad-o-Matic blog regarding K-mart. Apparently, some people took offense at this, while others seemed to think it was fine (here, here, here, here,...