Personal Branding

At the very first Podcamp Boston, CC Chapman and Mitch Joel did a great presentation on Personal Branding that altered the way I approached my web projects.  Instead of always staying in the background, I learned how important it was to own your blog and podcast, add...

No Longer New

I’ve been talking to a bunch of different podcasters I’ve known for a few years now, and there’s seems to be a common theme among many- including myself- of having lost some of the energy and direction that got them to where they are now. A few years...

Top Quotes of the Year

I love quotes, and while I thought I’d shoot for ten, telling you why I like these makes this post pretty long. So I’ll just gather my favorite quotes here, fixed number be damned…. 1. You can do anything, as long as you are prepared to deal with the...

Relationships and Trust Agents

Chris Brogan had a very interesting post on Trust Agents this morning.  It got me thinking about how  people become trustworthy in the internet age, when relationships may be many, but have weaker bonds than say, the friendships you make in your off-line life, through...