Mitch Joel had a great idea- to create his own “conference” through his favorite online videos. Chris Brogan, in turn, challenged each of us to do the same, and create a stream of personalized pixelated conferences. I thought I would take this one step further, since I have a bunch of varied interests and couldn’t think of one theme to hold the videos together as just one conference, so I thought instead I would do a Pixelated Podcamp- with several tracks, so you can explore whatever track suits your fancy. I should let you know that this is sort of what I would consider my personal curriculum- the things that are shaping my thinking and point of view. Let me know what you think! Plus-
Please add your own favorite sessions, videos, links, and the like in the comments and we’ll make this an interactive Pixelated Podcamp experience, just like the real thing.
Introduction- What Is Podcamp? Video by Larry Lawfer of YourStorys, featuring Chris Penn & Chris Brogan
The History of Podcamp as of the Summer of 2007 as Podcamp approached its first birthday
video by Larry Lawfer of YourStorys, featuring Chris Penn & Chris Brogan:
What is Social Media? Video by Larry Lawfer of YourStorys, featuring Chris Penn and Chris Brogan
And so you can get the vibe of being there- Video by Chris Penn of Day 3 of Podcamp Philly 1.0:
Track 1. Storytelling- How to Get The Point Across-
Part 1- four part series with Ira Glass from This American Life:
Interview Technique- Ira Glass talking about Terry Gross, and Terry herself
Track 2- Setting the Stage for New Media:
1. BBC 4 Audio series- Douglas Adams- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Future-four shows, dealing with changes coming in Broadcasting, publishing, music and one on technology convergence. While these were done in 2001, they still can help anyone get their minds around the huge changes happening and why.
2. The Common Craft Show– Lee LeFever does a great job with quick, simple videos, explaining everything from wikis, to RSS to social bookmarking and beyond in a straightfoward, anyone will get it way. I regularly share these with teachers I know, who are struggling to figure out what tool is good for what. He has some other good shows on everything from the Election to compact flourescent bulbs, and rather than making this this world’s longest blog post, I’ll direct you over to his site.
3. Shift Happens-
4. The Machine is Us
Track 3- Social Media- What You Need to Know:
1. (audio) Julien Smith Explains Social Media from September, 2006 on the Canadian Podcast Buffet
Track 4- Business and Marketing:
Malcolm Gladwell- consumer choice and curiosity
Steven Levitt On Carseats- why we guess wrong a lot
Larry Lessig on How Law is Strangling Creativity
Track 4- Education
(audio)This American Life Episode entitled Going Big- the first segment on Harlem’s Children’s Zone helps show that earlyintervention is really the key to changing education outcomes in a big way.
A Vision of Students Today- Digital Ethnography
Sir Ken Robinson’s Talk from TED – on why we need to value creativity in education
Richard St. John- Success in 8 words and three minutes:
David Eggers- Let’s Creatively Engage with Local Public Schools:
Dan Gilbert- Why Are We Happy- All the brain geekiness I love:
5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children DO- Tinkering School!
Miscellaneous Track of Goodness
Presentation Boot Camp- Battledecks from Podcamp Philly- Video by Jonny Goldstein
Presentation Hacks- Chris Brogan from Podcamp Pittsburgh
Half-Baked- Entrepreneurial Improv Theater- Hosted by Eric Skiff at Podcamp Philly 1.0- presentation by Chris Penn & Whitney Hoffman- Amish Chris Brogan
3. This American Life- Another Frightening Show About the Economy (audio)
4. Talk Radio News Service- Interview with Christopher S. Penn by Dan Patterson on the Lending crisis
Also check out NPR’s Planet Money