by Whitney | Apr 7, 2018 | blogging, Discovery, education, explanations, learning
As many of you know, I started the LD Podcast when my kids were small, because they had learning struggles, and one went to a school for kids with learning disabilities for a number of years. Along the way, I read, researched, and even wrote a book, on top of...
by Whitney | Mar 16, 2018 | blogging, community, Discovery, friends, happiness, social media
A long time ago, there was a pretty famous book entitled All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. It was cute and seemed quaint, but it is so true. To be happy and reasonably successful as a grown-up, you can get quite a long way by just starting with be...
by Whitney | Sep 13, 2013 | business, Discovery, personal
I’ve been a subscriber to several “care packages” ever since they became available. These curated packages of the unique and unusual appeal to my sense of exploration and surprise every time. There’s often a sense of...
by Whitney | May 16, 2013 | Discovery, education, happiness, learning
It is so important to keep dreaming. Dreams are about possibilities and motivation. Even if they seem very far out of reach, or only glimmers of possibility, they are glimpses of possibility in the world. As we get older, dreams often seem impractical. After many of...
by Whitney | Apr 30, 2013 | business, community, Discovery, explanations, Marketing, Uncategorized
One of the great discussions over the weekend at BarCamp News Innovation/Creation Camp, Started by Greg Linch from the Washington Post was about how ideas spread, and discussing what elements might exist to make something go “viral”. There was another...
by Whitney | Mar 11, 2013 | Discovery, education, new media, Uncategorized
I’ve been playing in the web/tech space for over 8 years now. Between learning how to podcast when the tools were more primitive and labor intensive, to hopping on social networks when they were still brand new, to cruising Kickstarter for new ideas and...