by Whitney | Feb 17, 2011 | community, new media, social media, Uncategorized
I’ve been on Twitter since October 24, 2006. My “twitter user number” is 10,233, meaning I’m the 10,233rd person to sign up for Twitter. Chris Brogan got me to join (his twitter number is 10,202) when he emailed a bunch of us about it a little...
by Whitney | Dec 6, 2010 | learning, new media
I find a lot of what I do involves boiling down complex, nuanced ideas into smaller steps or sound bites. Like the Eames chair and table to the right, you can accomplish a lot with really simple but innovative design. Currently, I’m in the process of editing...
by Whitney | Nov 29, 2010 | books, business, community, economics, new media, recommendations, social media, zenacorns
One of the people outside of my family I love most on the planet is C.C. Chapman. I first got acquainted with C.C. through listening to his podcasts, and then meeting him in person at the first Podcamp Boston. Over the years, C.C. has become a dear friend, and...
by Whitney | Jun 9, 2010 | education, new media, social media, Uncategorized
Early on in my web geek history, I used to hear the phrase “it’s just a platform” dispensed frequently, especially when someone would ask: “What’s this thing good for, anyway?” I was always frustrated by that kind of non-answer...
by Whitney | Jun 8, 2010 | business, community, economics, new media, social media, Uncategorized
Someone on Twitter was talking about how to celebrate a big Tweet number- 25,000 tweets. Some people have chosen to try to raise money for their momentous tweet, but what struck me was what might have been said in those 25,000 tweets. Does that equal a novel? A Book?...
by Whitney | Jan 13, 2010 | business, community, economics, learning, new media, social media
When is sharing your life online with others crossing over into TMI (Too Much Information) territory? Like it or not, we make judgments about people based on the integral of all we know about them. The baseball player who bets on sports in Vegas is assumed to have...