by Whitney | Apr 13, 2011 | business, community, Discovery, economics, Uncategorized
One of the most powerful skills you can harness is the ability to listen, take in information and place it in context for your every day life. Sometimes, from the most mundane or seemingly useless resources, you can gain some insight, a new twist or look at things in...
by Whitney | Jan 11, 2011 | community, economics, happiness, learning, social media, Uncategorized
In order to really make strides, we have to be willing to experiment. We have to be willing to take risks, and we have to be willing to be wrong and fail. I know I had tons of this as a kid, but keeping this sense of willingness to make mistakes, knowing things...
by Whitney | Oct 16, 2008 | business, community, economics, finance, happiness, learning, new media, recommendations
I’m interviewing Marcus Buckingham for my podcast, and I got to thinking about a quote from an old book of his that can be best paraphrased as what’s common sense and obvious to you, isn’t always obvious to the next person. Your insights seem like...
by Whitney | Jun 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
I am a huge fan of Seth Godin, and this is a riff based on one of his recent blog posts. If you want a successful business model: Start with the fact that everyone has problems. They want and NEED a cure for those problems. 1. Identify a problem. 2. Develop a simple...