by Whitney | Nov 20, 2013 | business, education
I was reading a great blog post over on Edutopia about writing a Student’s User Guide. The title was a bit dull, but on reading it, a teacher talks about developing a “personal User’s Guide” not only for herself, but having each of her students...
by Whitney | Oct 22, 2013 | business, politics
The roll out of has been bad. But there is a silver lining to this dark cloud for folks in the digital space. We might finally have the best example ever to demonstrate how important User Interface and Experience is to the success or failure of a...
by Whitney | Sep 20, 2013 | business, community, Marketing, new media
1. Make sure everyone understands they are part of the team. Whether it’s a receptionist, a stock boy, a manager, or anyone in the store, make sure they know your mission and what you’re trying to get accomplished. 2. Everyone on the team should be...
by Whitney | Sep 13, 2013 | business, Discovery, personal
I’ve been a subscriber to several “care packages” ever since they became available. These curated packages of the unique and unusual appeal to my sense of exploration and surprise every time. There’s often a sense of...
by Whitney | Jul 11, 2013 | business, community
Seth Godin had an interesting post today talking about delight and mentioning six sigma. It caught my attention, because some folks I know have been taking six sigma classes who work in health care. Health care, and all of the caretakers in the system- doctors,...
by Whitney | Jun 3, 2013 | business, economics, finance
I’m intrigued by marketplaces of all sorts- ranging from Farmer’s Markets, to Malls, to Online Niche markets. Each has a culture associated with it, a sense of rules and norms, often unspoken. Each also has speculators, spectators and active...