by Whitney | Oct 15, 2008 | business, community, new media, podcamp, politics, social media
For those of you who may be new here, I’ve been “embedded” in social media now for almost three years. Not as long as some, longer than others. I never saw myself as doing anything radical, or against the tide. I always saw new media as a way to...
by Whitney | Oct 5, 2008 | community, learning, new media, podcamp, podcampphilly, recommendations, social media, Uncategorized
Mitch Joel had a great idea- to create his own “conference” through his favorite online videos. Chris Brogan, in turn, challenged each of us to do the same, and create a stream of personalized pixelated conferences. I thought I would take this one step...
by Whitney | Mar 4, 2008 | new media, podcamp
I’m getting a reputation for being the Podcamp girl, having been to and organized many of these events to date. I recently attended and presented at Podcamp Toronto, not only because I love the Canadian podcast community, but to see the innovative things they...
by Whitney | Nov 23, 2007 | new media, playdates, podcamp
….that this next year we take Podcamp and make it like Summer Camp. ….Phase 1: We find a place where there can be a multi-day, even weeklong retreat of New media Folk and their families. Kinda like the Podcamp Cruise idea, only somewhat more back to...
by Whitney | Nov 5, 2007 | new media, podcamp, social media
Every day, I find out about some new application or tool that’s going to “save me” in some way. Some of these tools are truly helpful, others are added to the pile of things I should look into, others I start to play with, but rapidly become...
by Whitney | Sep 10, 2007 | new media, playdates, podcamp, podcampphilly, Uncategorized
Organizing an UnConference may seem like a simple thing. Open Source. Group Participation. Everyone working towards a common goal. But in reality, it’s just as complicated as organizing a “real” conference, a book fair, or and event, with a volunteer...